at Honey and Fox

Consumer trust drives growth, particularly in the food and beverage industry.

There is a growing curiosity among consumers about the source of the food and beverages they buy. For most, it’s important to know and trust the origin of the product – seeking assurances that what they buy "is what it says it is." This is where the importance of provenance storytelling comes in.

What customers are looking for


Knowing that product claims are true


Knowing the origins of the product (who, where and how)


Knowing where it came from and how it got to them

Using storytelling to wrap provenance information into is a powerful tool to communicate with consumers. It transports them and provokes an emotional response.
The impact of provenance stories can be amplified and multiplied by using technologies and platforms that not only prove authenticity but also invite the audience to engage with and become part of the story themselves.
Download our Stories for Success toolkit It’s free

Register for our provenance storytelling course

Find the right tech to help you

The Provenance Plus System

We researched to find out how agriculture, food, and beverage businesses were creating and telling their provenance stories. We wanted to know what the critical parts of the story are, how the stories are put together, and how, where, and when to tell provenance stories for the greatest impact.

Based on this research we created our Provenance PlusTM System to help others learn how to create and tell their own stories.



There are five ingredients involved in creating a compelling and impactful provenance story


Who they are and why they will care about your provenance story


Founders and key people


Features, benefits and value


Origin and environment


Basis of authenticity

“Trust is at a premium right now, with consumer trust at an all-time low. Without trust, credibility is lost, and reputation can be threatened.”

- Edelman Trust Barometer 2021

Interested in learning how to create and tell your provenance story?

Set your business up for success with our "Stories for Success" provenance storytelling toolkit

Developed with AgriFutures Australia, our Stories for Success Toolkit includes:

  • The latest consumer trends, technologies, and platforms
  • Provenance Storytelling Guidebook
  • Producer templates
  • Case studies that show how other businesses have used storytelling to boost their business



Provenance Stories for Success: 5 ingredients

This is a starter course for people who have not developed a provenance story or would like to review their story using the Provenance PlusTM System. Delivered online over 6 weeks, you will join a group of other food and beverage businesses to learn how to create your own provenance story. Each module is self-paced and you can access all the lessons at a time that suits you. There are two Q&A sessions to help you apply what you have learned to your particular business – plus a few sneaky bonuses in there too!


Choosing and implementing a traceability system

This course is focused on helping you identify your traceability system needs and motivations. Delivered online over through three modules you will learn how to use the Traceability Chooser to identify a traceability system that best meets your specific business circumstances. This course is undertaken totally independently and at a pace that suits you. Each module is self-paced and you can access all the lessons at a time that suits you. There are two Q&A sessions to help you apply what you have learned to your particular business – plus a few sneaky bonuses in there too!


Provenance Marketing Masterclass

Learn how and where to tell your provenance story with impact. This 12-week coaching program is our signature course. Building on the Provenance Stories for Success Course you will join other businesses who have developed their provenance story and who want to learn how to use the Provenance Plus system as a marketing tool to connect to, engage with and build trust with your customers.

Training modules, templates and resources are delivered weekly together with live Q&A sessions with your fellow course participants every two weeks. Three one-on-one coaching sessions are included as well as some surprise guest speakers. All designed so that at the end of the program if you do the work, you will have a library of content and the platforms established to deliver it.

We also offer this as a tailored and/or blended in-person/online format (minimum participant number apply)

The Traceability Systems Chooser

Who doesn't like a little help in making decisions?

With the number of available technologies out there to choose from, one might feel a bit overwhelmed and lost about where to start. Based on your business motivations, needs, and resources the Traceability Chooser will help you to:

Define your traceability System

Identify products and other areas of your business that needs tracking

Shortlist and evaluate potential systems

Shortlist and evaluate potential systems for your

Select the system that suits you best

The best technology that you can seamlessly integrate into your system

PLUS a curated library of resources to help!